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  1. вопросы о животных

    Почему корова ложится?
    Ответ: Потому что не умеет садиться.
    2. Один глаз, один рог, но не носорог.
    Ответ: Корова из-за угла выглядывает.
    3. Ворона летит, а собака на хвосте сидит. Может ли такое быть?
    Ответ: да, собака сидит на своем хвосте.
    4. Голова бела, уши ослиные, хвост ослиный, шкура ослиная, а не осел.
    Ответ: ослиха.
    5. Чем лошадь отличается от иголки?
    Ответ: на иголку сначала сядешь, потом подпрыгнешь, а на лошадь сначала подпрыгнешь, потом сядешь.
    6. Почему петух, когда поет, закрывает глаза?
    Ответ: Хочет показать, что знает наизусть.
    7. Может ли страус назвать себя птицей?
    Ответ: Нет, он не умеет говорить.
    8. От чего гусь плавает?
    Ответ: от берега.
    9. Собака была привязана к десятиметровой веревке, а прошла триста метров. Как ей это удалось?
    Ответ: Веревка не была ни к чему привязана.
    10. У какого слона нет хобота?
    Ответ: У шахматного.
    вопросы о животных
    11. Какой конь не ест овса?
    Ответ: Шахматный.
    песни переделки
    12. Двенадцать ног, шесть глаз, три головы, три хвоста и 15 копеек. Кто это или что?
    Ответ: три поросенка.
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  4. помогите или подскажите

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  6. вишивание

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  7. Мои любимые мелочи.

    Это мои работы начиная с весны 2011 года
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  9. Hobby

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  10. Вышивки за 2011 год

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  12. bozenka

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  13. порно негритянки

    И совершенно необязательно, промеж прочим, тягать железо и мучить себя ежедневными километровыми пробежками. Существует и видоизмененный, более приятный и менее напрягающий средство овладевать свое тело физическими нагрузками – это йога. И это при все при книга, что занятия йогой намного древнее любого известного нам вида спорта. Недаром он из года приобретает голые негритянки однако большую популярность среди населения, ведь заниматься им могут люди любого пола, возраста и физического телосложения. Йога даже показана лицам с серьезными заболеваниями, где требуется физическое оздоровление, только запрещены тяжелые физические упражнения. К тому же, коль вы не любите лить после и тягать железо, сей лицо спорта создан чтобы вас.
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    Однако, некоторый ошибочно полагают, негритянки порно который йога может помочь вам обрести тело своей мечты, накачать кубики литература или убрать лишнюю жировую прослойку. Это в корне неверно. Йога облегчает душевные раны и восстанавливает силы, урывками, при некоторых порнуха с негритянкой упражнениях, она способна подлечить внутренние (преимущественно женские) органы. Преимущественно это эффективно, коли устройство подвергся стрессу. Тут занятия йогой помогают человеку расслабиться, войти сам на единодержавно со своим «я» и научиться подслушивать свое тело. Это не всего восстановит ваши силы и моральное состояние, только и научит вас защищать себя через излишних стрессовых ситуаций.
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    All 65year old men in Norfolk and Waveney can now with new screening programme for christian louboutin outlet abdominal aortic aneurysms (known as AAAs) Introduced by the Norfolk and Norwich collage Hospital.
    a predicted 80,000 men aged between 65 and 74 are affected by the michael kors outlet condition, Which is caused michael kors discount when the main circulation in the abdomen the aorta weakens and starts to expand.
    If not noticed, the disorder can be fatal and around 6,000 men die on an annual basis in England from an AAA. Men who have an AAA will not in general notice any symptoms, which describes why screening is so important.
    The screening is expected to reduce deaths from the complaint by up to 50pc, By detecting AAAs early and offering most advisable monitoring or treatment. Men aged 65 and over are most at risk from the problem, So invites for screening are being sent out to men in the area in the year they turn 65. Matthew Armon, agent vascular surgeon at the N said: "A simple ultrasound scan of the abdominal aorta is handled and the aortic diameter is measured.
    "The censoring test takes less than 10 minutes, Is noteworthy and men receive their result immediately. Vascular disease is as common as cancer and heart disease and I therefore strongly encourage everyone offered the process to participate, Men who are older can also request a scan from the software. Men under 65 use a low risk (Only 5% of ruptured AAAs occur in this population) So censoring isn't effective for them.
    You are right that they can run in families. assuming you have a close relative brother, Sister or parent which has, Or has received, An AAA you can receive an ultrasound scan under existing NHS procedures and should get hold of your GP to discuss a referral. however,within the other hand, This is separate from the screening process programme. We recommend doing this at 55 yrs. old. I hope this answers your queries.п»їNew manner of inhalers
    Asthmatics who inhale the lowdose steroid medicine to reduce joint inflammation as a daily routine do no better than those who turn to their inhalers only when they have symptoms, new research has suggested.
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    According to those choices, If a person's asthma is mild but lasting, He or she should take an inhaled steroid every day to suppress airway redness and reduce the risk of exacerbations.
    Mild persistent asthma is one of four types of the virus, Which affects as many as one in every 12 people in the nation, according to federal statistics. Boushey, m. d., A UCSF professor of drugs in the division of Pulmonary and michael kors wholesale Critical Care Medicine, documented.
    A pioneer in the field who has been involved in asthma research for 40 years, Boushey served on the expert committee that developed the current National Institutes of Health's guidelines for handling the disease.
    "People don't seem to like taking this type of treatment every day just a third of the inhaler medications are renewed even once, Boushey said.
    "So we wondered what happens if people with mild asthma already well controlled by daily treatment with an inhaled corticosteroid instead took a puff only when they used their rescue medication usually albuterol for relief of symptoms, He integrated.
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    forever, 342 adults with mild to control, constant asthma took part in the study over nine months between 2007 and 2010. All were diagnosed by physicians and all had either reversible airflow limitation or airway hyperresponsiveness.п»їNew fabricated heart lets patients leave hospital
    Sometime this week, 51yearold Alvin Carter will leave the Mayo Clinic with a synthetic heart and a power pack, Ushering in a new era in minnesota medicine.
    while March, Carter took over as first patient in Minnesota and one of 1,000 in the arena to receive a portable artificial heart that won't keep him tethered to a hospital.
    Now Mayo and two other Minnesota hospitals Abbott Northwestern and the University of Minnesota are all starting programs to make the device available to their patients.
    The engine heart, Made by a business enterprise called SynCardia, is made to keep patients alive until they can get a human heart michael kors factory transplant. unit should allow Carter, Who lives in the state of michigan, To live a life while he waits for a donor heart, Said his operating doctor, doctor. Lyle Joyce. "That's fantastic thing, acknowledged Joyce. "Now we'll send them home,
    After decades of homework, The fake heart has finally hit prime time, Joyce promises. And he should be aware. He was among the surgeons who made headlines in Utah in 1982, christian louboutin replica When they implanted the Jarvik 7 phony heart in a Seattle dentist named Barney Clark. Clark, who had previously been 61, Died after 112 days without ever leaving a healthcare facility.
    A lot has changed after that, michael kors handbags reveals Joyce. at that moment, Scientists hoped to build a permanent heart that could replace the human heart, he was quoted saying. It did pan out.
    for the time being, he said, Doctors found that a less strenuous device, Which assists only the left side of along with the, Could buy many patients extra time while they waited for a transplant. Those models leftventricularassistdevices, Or LVADs operate with portable battery power, So women could go home.
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    A similar statement was made earlier this year about bringing Diablo 3 to the current crop of consoles. Eventually Blizzard began hiring console programmers for the upcoming hacknslash title slated for a Q4 2011 release. regardless, Does that mean Blizzard plans to do the same with iOS?
    "Everyone I know here has an iPhone or an iPad so we're huge fans michael kors outlet of the electronics, he explained. "If we might create the right game changes to make that work, It's something we'd be curious about. It's not something ensure see in the next week or two, But michael kors wholesale it's the species of thing michael kors handbags we're always looking at,
    As with recent discussion on porting the MMORPG to the consoles, the issue in the PCtoconsole transition would be in the controls. It's bad enough that the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 aren't wellequipped to mouse and keyboard input (the particular PS3 is capable), The iPad 2 doesn't even come close to a PClike habitat.
    "what a really big topic, He admitted. "the only one [publish] That comes to mind is that WOW is designed for use of a mouse and a keyboard and we haven't yet seen a console solution that lets us replicate it easily. I suspect that we would should also own a lot more of the backend than most console companies would be willing to let us have. Right now we're being pretty successful just corroborating the PC and Macintosh. We'd love to do it if it ever made sense I'm sure we would,
    Bringing world of warcraft to the iPad could mean using an optimized, Scaleddown version with lowerresolution graphics so that you fit within the limited mobile hardware environment. This may also mean that the MMORPG would require its own servers to keep the gameplay information even. give up, David Perry has already proven that world of warcraft can be streamed inside an Internet browser using his Gaikai service. The problem with controls still resides, But at least the game's visual quality and also gratifaction isn't compromised.
    As for an iPad specific warcraft client, the only natural means of input would be through a Bluetooth keyboard. So far Bluetooth mice aren't priced at the tablet.
    Tablets as they are still are a fad, And the iFad is that as well. Apple is selling millions of these purposefully limited pieces of garbage, Because people don't shop its competitors. My windows pill (Acer W500)Runs circles around the iPad in every department except life of the battery, I only get 5 hours of video play on a charge.
    It may not need the iTunes crap store, But it does have the ability to run just about all useful or entertaining ever made courtesy of Windows. It can use a pc keyboard and mouse, It has expanding storage, And HDMI source, It has everything you could would expect a real computer to have because its a real computer.
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    I have bad teeth because I was on discrepancy very often as a child. My dentist fretted about have an effect on enamel back then, And he was right for you to. Speaking as someone who has a lot of dental problems despite great hygiene, I would echo what others have posted and strongly suggest you use other processes to encourage good hygiene and discourage drug abuse. I consider having severe stomach flu marginally more stimulating than going to the dentist, And I have a high tolerance for pain. Even with drug treatments, It's not pleasurable. Better to make her as comfortable as possible so she won't be afraid to go to the dentist in the future than to withhold which will make life easier for this filling.п»їIs It Dangerous for associated with life
    do you possess a wood burning stove? i'm not sure if you have noticed but many people have one nowadays. if for example the cold season arrives, It is sure nice to get a wood burning stove. I can tell you that.
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    it may look like odd in this day in high tech, But wood burning stoves are getting accepted they have been in almost a century. Many persons would suppose that a wood burning oven was almost the least practical article it is possible to install in your residence. inside the end, there are many disadvantage to a wood burning stove. to begin with, There is different sort of michael kors wholesale fine temperature control as with a gas heater. Wood losing stoves, pretty much, are generally on or off. getting on, You frequently have to stock them with wood. while off, They take much time to heat up again.
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    But there are risks interrelated to wood burning stoves. Although they are simple enough to maintain, They have dangers christian louboutin replica that regular gas furnaces lack. Wood burning stoves must be located down the middle of your common space. That means that if you suffer from young michael kors kids, they really are at risk. If they experience the wood burning stoves, They can burn itself! perhaps even, A lot of persons say that wood burning stoves have much greater pollutants than other sort of michael kors handbags heat. Even oil burning furnaces infamous for the air pollution they make are supposed to be healthier for you than wood stoves. If your wood burning stove is not completely insulated from the residence, It can liberate hazardous indoor michael kors outlet pollution and poison friends and family.
    also, Even with most of these drawbacks, Wood burning stoves understand. They enjoy a renaissance among green aware persons. They are better now and they also let you survive with less outside dependence on our decreasing natural gas supply. So when you look at a wood burning stove, Why louis vuitton outlet not get in the store and take a closer look at it? I am sure you do love it.п»їIs it risky to drink milk after the best used
    ArtsAutomotiveBeauty FashionBusiness FinanceComputers InternetGames HobbiesHealthHistoryHome GardenPolitics GovernmentScience TechnologySocietySportsTravelLike people have said, It all depends on when you have opened the container and how long you keep it outside of the refrigerator. in addition,as well as, another prominent fact that some people don know about is that skim milk takes longer to go bad then whole milk. Whole milk goes bad faster because it has fat in it which stops working. You can usually tell if milk is bad due to you should smell it. If the milk smells rancid then don utilize it. moreover, If you kind of swish the milk around in the containers and you see a "Milk phone" Where the the top milk was sitting, Then its safe to throw that milk away thanks to the fact milk that hasn gone bad yet doesnt leave a milky ring.
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    He believes that while there is a satisfactory amount of great work being done on the ground, There now requires to be a solid push from the top; Pressure needs to be put on leaders and managers to effect meaningful change within their establishments.
    John is among 30 Irish and international personalities on the Sounding Board who all have a disability or a close association with one. Their purpose rrs going to be, As suggested by its name, To create a picture for managers that illustrates the needs and aspirations of those with afflictions.
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    Most of InterFaith's individuals hold jobs, But either have no rrnsurance policies benefits, Or can't afford added benefits they're offered. None is insured or entitled to TennCare.
    The medical clinic has about 7,700 "demanding" mindful charts and charts on another 10,500 patients who haven't been seen in at least three years. Sometimes the patient load leads to a waiting list, And patients will see Kim while they're waiting for a session at InterFaith.
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