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Well the tests are concluisve, they are factual not speculative.

Thank you so much for you response. You information is very valuable to me.

They Actually Make plain oxycodone tablets and capsulesthat don't contain any tylenol. The brand capsules are called OxyIR and come in 5mg and 10 mg capsules. The brand tablets are called Roxicodone, They come in 5mg,10,mg,15mg and 30 mg tablets, the generic will just say Oxycodone HCL. Percocet is brand Oxy and tylenol and all it's generics will say how much oxycodone whether it's 5, 7.5 or 10 plus 325 mgs of apap "tylenol" in each Tablet. Tylox is Oxycodone with 500 mgs of tylenol in capsule form. Percodan is Oxycodone and aspirin in pill form. It just isn't prescribed as often as it used to be due to stomache irritation. Their is also a product that is a mix of oxycodone and Ibuprofen, just can't think of the name right now. It contains 7.5 mgs of Oxy and 200 mgs of IBU.

VIAGRA is prescribed to treat erectile dysfunction (ED).

My Dr. said to only take it at bedtime if it makes you tired. I know that the literature that comes with it suggests to take it at bedtime but you have to try out different combinations to find out what's best for your body. I think its really too soon to do that though if you just started taking it. Do whatever your Dr. says for the first few months and then discuss with him/her what time of day you should take it if you still can't sleep.

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